Urban Coyote
Caution: Coyotes do visit residential areas!


Coyotes are wild animals and may be dangerous. Do not encourage them to approach. They are smart, fast and will take what they can get. We encourage all pets be kept on a leash or under competent control for your safety and for the safety of the animals. 

How to avoid conflicts with Coyotes

  1. Do not feed coyotes. The number one most effective way to prevent coyote attacks in your neighborhood is to eliminate wildlife feeding. Coyotes that are fed in residential neighborhoods can lose their fear of people.
  2. Do not let pets run loose. Coyotes probably live nearby, even if you don't know it, so do not let pets run loose. 
  3. Do not run from a coyote. When you encounter a coyote, shout, or throw something in its direction. Do not run away. Do not play victim if you can help it. Alter your route to avoid conflict with a normally calm animal.
  4. Do not create conflict where it does not exist. If a coyote is acting as a coyote should by avoiding humans and pets, do not seek out opportunities to haze or otherwise aggravate the animal. Embracing communal respect is key.
  5. Report aggressive, fearless coyotes immediately. When a coyote fails to exhibit fear or acts aggressively, the animal should be reported as soon as possible to the appropriate officials.

For more information on coyote encounters in residential areas visit: www.ocpetinfo.com/education-resources/coyote-encounters